Product List

thermogradient table

Termogradiente table is used for germination tests with all kinds of seeds and seed pills in Petri dishes. You may have a temperature gradient along the width of the table so that it can quickly analyze the optimum germination temperature. Table with 3 cases.

Equipment for drying seeds

  • Equipos para laboratorios farmacéuticos, cosméticos e industria de alimentación. Autoclaves, generadores de vapor, estufas de secado. Folleto con productos descargable.
  • Empresa dedicada a producir maquinaria para la industria gráfica y serigráfica, tales como insoladoras, túnel de secado UV, hornos de curado UV, plastificadoras, empaque termoencogible y quemadoras alto relieve. Contiene información de la empresa, productos, referencias, exportación y contactos.
  • Marketers herbicides, fertilizers, seeds and machinery and agribusiness equipment. Services fumigation and storage of products.
  • Seed technology equipment

  • Trade of vegetable seeds, trees and shrubs for the professional market. Activities, equipment and novelties.
  • Seeds Group publication that advises, trains, promotes agroecological strategies and actions on environmental aspects, management and sustainable management of biodiversity and genetic resources, intellectual property rights, traditional knowledge and impacts of new biotechnologies.
  • Machinery for tunnel construction. Classification of drilling techniques and equipment depending on geology, diameter and length of the tunnel.
  • Quality control equipment seed

  • Trade of vegetable seeds, trees and shrubs for the professional market. Activities, equipment and novelties.
  • It provides advice to producers, seed and equipment on edible and medicinal mushrooms.
  • Distribuye equipos para inspeccionar sistemas de combustión industrial, de comprobación no-destructiva, de mantenimiento preventivo, de control de calidad, de medición de temperatura por infrarrojo y cameras de termografia.
  • thermogradient table